Today out of the cupboard came another £2.99 Faber Castell kit from The Works (tee hee)
This kit - Tuscany Landscapes Canvas Art Gallery kit - contained everything needed to make 4 mini canvases of Tuscan scenes.

The mini canvases were pre-printed with pictures which were coloured using the water colour pens (also in the kit). Lara had never seen water colour pencils before and loved how the colours blended when she added water.
When the pictures had been coloured and allowed to dry, she then drew round the outlines using the pen which was also included in the kit ..........
....... and finally mounted the canvas onto the foam mounts provided. Even the double sided sticky squares were provided and hangers to go on the back.
I only managed to photograph one canvas before it got too dark but she did complete another one so I'll try and photograph that tomorrow. As Brucie would say "Didn't she do well!"