6th December - 19 sleeps until Christmas. Not long until the 25th and the days seem to be flying by.

I have now opened 6 of the gifts in my
UKScrappers Advent Swap box and have been thrilled with them all. (apologies for the awful photo) Every year some of the people who take part in the swap seem disappointed (to put it mildly)
with what they received but I can honestly say that during the 4-5 years that I have taken part I have never once been unhappy with the gifts I have received. Judging by some of the comments people make, it seems I have been very lucky! OK, occasionally a gift isn't quite to my taste but it can usually be used in someway or another or altered to make it fit in more with my style. I've never had anyone say they haven't liked the gifts I have sent them either and I really look forward to the swap. But, that said I am beginning to wonder whether in view of all the negative comments that have been posted on forums this year about the swap whether I will join in next year.
Last night was
MojoHolder night. I wasn't able to join in this week. Tomorrow is Lara's 6th birthday party and I have been so busy preparing for that that scrapping has had to take a back

seat. 24 little guests are coming to the party and yesterday and today I made the cake. After the stress last year of making the cake I vowed never to make another, but I relented and this year I made a 'Spongebob Square Pants' cake. Considering how difficult it was last year to make the cake this year seemed a dream. Last year I used a bag of catering cake mix, struggled with the quantities and when it was made it tasted foul! This year I just used a tried and tested recipe for a Victoria Sandwich , doubled up the quantity I would use for a standard 7" cake and the 'trimmings' which I tasted were really yummy. Spongebob has now been iced, looks fab and is ready in his box to take to the party tomorrow. I'll report back hopefully next week on how the party went and hope to have some photos too.
1 comment:
Oh Karen, what a truly amazing cake, you are sooo very talented Missus! We hope Lara has a very special day and you have chance to really enjoy it with her, beautiful work. Love and hugs from Anita,Lauren and Chloe...xxxxx
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