Sunday 8 July 2012

Olympic Torch Relay

Today we braved the wet weather to go and see the Olympic Torch Relay go through our nearby town of Letchworth Garden City. It was VERY wet and umbrellas were the order of the day but we waited patiently with all the other people who had gathered to see the torch pass by. Instead of going into the town centre we chose to stand on a quieter residential part of the route and got a clear road side view.

Before the main event there was a convoy of Relay Partner Vehicles: 



and Lloyds TSB

There were lots of police cars and motor cycles - all high fiving the spectators as they drove past. When the rain got really heavy this poor chap had to stop in the middle of the road and in front of the many people watching to put his waterproofs on. Have you ever seen a policeman try to quickly put tight waterproof trousers on over the top of his regular trousers in front of a crowd of people laughing and cheering at him? Poor chap gave a bow at the end to a round of applause.

There were also the many  BMW Olympic Torch Relay support cars and the Coaches carrying all the torch bearers for the day and the support staff.

Finally, and more of less on time, the torch passed by being carried by John Harris who was nominated for coaching sport in schools and clubs. By the time he passed by it was absolutely pouring with rain (as you can see from this photo) but he still had a smile on his face and was waving at the crowd as he ran by.

Despite the rain it was a good morning and we were glad we made the effort to go and watch.

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