So, today I made Carrot Cake with scrummy frosting on top. Yummmm. I'm not sure that the kids will eat it (the idea of carrots in a cake doesn't appeal to them) but that's fine 'cos it just means all the more for me.

This was the first book by Fiona Gibson that I've read and I really enjoyed it. Mind you I've said that about all the books I've read recently! LOL. Fiona Gibson's style of writing really made me want to keep reading and I found it hard to put the book down.
Full of humour the book had me chuckling and also cringing as the main character Laura went from one embarrassing situation to another like making a fool of herself by spectacularly falling over in the parents race at her children's school sports day, being caught rifling through the bedroom of Celeste the beautiful woman who works with Laura's husband to try and find a hairdryer to dry her wet dress after not quite making it to the toilet in time at Celeste's birthday party, getting stuck in her stomach reducer girdle thingy and having to get husband Jed to cut her out of it with a pair of scissors.