So in July Anita gave me a 'Versatile Blogger' Award.
The rules were:
* Thank the person who gave it to you...... Thank you Anita.
* Tell seven things about yourself...... see below
* Thank the person who gave it to you...... Thank you Anita.
* Tell seven things about yourself...... see below
* Pass the award of to five other bloggers who you think are fantastic...... well most of my blogging buddies have already been awarded this award so I will suggest that anyone who visits my blog and reads this post can collect the award for them self because to be honest if they read my blog I think that is pretty fantastic.
seven things about me:
1. I have lived all my life in the same village.
2. My first car was a red Peugeot 104 called Wolfie.
3. Despite driving since I was 18 (some 25+ years) I have never ever, ever driven on a motorway.
4. I really like the smell of coffee but hate the taste of it.
5. I'm a Clutter Bug - I hoard everything.
6. I have no real desire to travel worldwide. I love England and all it has to offer.
7. Summer is my favourite season closely followed by Autumn.
Last month Anita gave me a second award, 'The Cherry on Top' Award.
The rules for this were:
* Thank the person who gave it to me .... Thank you again Anita.
* Pop the given award onto my blog..... Done
* Pop the given award onto my blog..... Done
* I must list 3 things about myself ..... See above (cheating I know but it was hard enough to find the seven things above let alone another 3)
* Post a picture that I love .... I have soooooo many photos I love but this one is a particular favourite of Lara taken summer 2009

* Pass the award of to five other bloggers .... I'm going to cheat on this and again and suggest that anyone who visits my blog and reads this post can collect the award for them self