Returning home from a holiday is never fun but bringing the sunshine home with us certainly made it easier. We had glorious weather most of the time we were away, whereas back home I've been told the weather was pretty grim ......... until that is yesterday! Today has been gorgeous - hot, sunny and just what summer should be like. We even had a BBQ earlier. Only about the third or fourth we've managed this summer. I really hope this lovely weather lasts, at least until the children go back to school.
We popped out this afternoon to get the last of the 'back to school' gear - two pairs of new football boots. You wouldn't believe how difficult it was to get a size 3 pair of boots for Steven - I think every other size 3 child had gotten there before us and bought them all! Anyway, all three children are now fully kitted out. With them all starting new schools this year it's meant lots to buy.
I've started going through the holiday photos. Amongst the hundreds I took there are several that are priceless and I'm already planning in my head LOs using them. There were lots of 'firsts' during the holiday - Lara's first ride on a bus, Steven's first proper 'swim' in the sea (he only learnt to swim last month), first time seeing a meteor shower (we watched the Perseid meteor shower on the night of Wayne's birthday - didn't get any photos but may download some form the web for a LO about it). So many memories.
Whilst I was away, there were three new scraplift challenges on
Mojo Holder plus a class page by
Kylie . I managed to get my challenge LOs done before I went away so these were posted along with the other girls LOs. This was my #24 challenge lift of a LO by UKScrapper Mei Lye

This was my #25 challenge lift of a LO by the extremely talented Jlyne Hanback.
And this was last weeks #26 challenge lift of a LO by the infamous Elsie Flannigan.

Please pop along to Mojo Holder to see all the LOs from the DT.
This week is going to be manic! The children have trips to the dentist and haircuts planned. I have to catch up on all the council work I've gotten behind on whilst being away, and I've LOs to get done for Mojo Holder and a couple of other projects (hush hush at the moment). Then there are school trousers to shorten and name tapes to sew into clothes plus the mountain of post-holiday laundry to get through! Hmmmmmmmm........ I think I'll need another holiday, so if any of you are planning on going away (preferably somewhere hot and sunny) and had have room in your suitcase for me, just let me know!