On my layout I used photos I took last June of Steven in a tree at Wrest Park and papers from the Fancy Pants Daily Grind range and Primas My Mommy & Me range. The boys rarely pose for photographs but when they do, Steven in particular really shines. I loved the photos and have wanted to scrap them for sometime.
Here's Frances layout, followed by mine:
Lara, really seems to be developing her creative gene at the moment. She is always drawing, sticking or colouring. One day she asked if she could do some cross stitch. Apparently she had done some at school and wanted to do more. So I gave her a small piece of aida and some thread and away she went. She sat for most of the day sewing small neat rows of crosses. This week she found that scrap of aida and has added a few more crosses. I wanted to remember her first taste of sewing so put together this layout. My friend Dierdre kindly let me use her Autumn Leaves Freestyle stamps for the title which were perfect.